ECS 210 Social Studies 7 – Mini Unit – Power and Authority in Canada


Goal: To investigate the processes and structures of power and authority, and the implications for individuals, communities, and nations (Grade 7 Social Studies Curriculum Goal)

Grade Level: Grade 7

Subject: Social Studies

Time Frame: 1 week

Developed by: Miss Giles, Miss MacPherson, Mr. Manson, Mr. Marwick, Miss Schneider

This unit is for Social Studies 7, and explores power and authority within Canada, and specifically within our local Treaty 4 area. We will discuss how different communities govern, the roles of people in positions of power and the ways in which these leaders are “elected.” We will explore both Provincial and Municipal government/leadership, as well as the roles of Elders and Chiefs within Treaty 4. The approach that we will be taking in this lesson is based on a variety of mediums and ways of thinking in order for our students to gain the most information possible. We are approaching teaching the information through a technological format with our Menti, through group work and student-led individualized learning during the research and jigsaw segments, as well as through an overall group discussion of the discovered information.

Unit Plan

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